Monday, May 25, 2020

The Theory Of Self Structure - 1719 Words

14. Psychological maladjustment exists when the organism denies to awareness significant sensory and visceral experiences, which consequently are not symbolised and organised into the gestalt of self-structure. When this situation exists, there is a basic or psychological tension. 15.Psychological adjustment exists when the concept of the self is such that all the sensory and visceral experiences of the organism are, or may be, assimilated on a symbolic level into a consistent relationship with the concept of self. These two propositions are the opposite of one another. 14 is when the individual is open and true to how he views and experiences him self and 15 is when the individual will deny or not be able to make sense of his experiencing. My client fits with proposition 15 here as she admitted to having a felt sense of anger coming into her awareness after the loss of her dad, she was unsure what was behind it and could not figure out why she was not grieving normally. Se had a fear of this anger exposing her vulnerability and was denying this was a part of her. Her view of herself was a nice, calm easy going person and not this angry person so there was an incongruence and conflict between her self concept and self. 16.Any experience which is inconsistent with the organisation of the structure of the self may be perceived as a threat, and the more of these perceptions there are, the more rigidly the self structure is organized to maintain itself. 17.Under certainShow MoreRelatedPersonality Characteristics And Traits That Define A Human Being932 Words   |  4 Pagesmixture such as values, hopes, loves, talents, and hate. These qualities it what make each woman being different and a unique person. To understand personality psychologist use theories and concept to have a better understanding. For example some concept psychologist use to define personality is traits, types, self-concept, and self-esteem. 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